Image to Pattern (technical demo, auto mode)

Show legend ⓘ
P0 Point 0 First point of the Region path. Located at the first point of contact of the Region outline with the Main region outline.
When the Region is rotated, P0 and P1 are swapped.
PC Point Center Next relevant point of the Region path. Located in the exact middle of 4 whole pixels approximately at the center of the Main region.
When the Regions are rotated, each Region will have a different PC.
P1 Point 1 Next relevant point of the Region path. Located at the second point of contact of the Region outline with the Main region outline.
When the Region is rotated, P0 and P1 are swapped.
PR Point Rotation Rotation origin around which the Region rotates. Located at the exact middle between P0 and P1.
When the Region is rotated, PR is unaffected.
(" ", "background") pixels
Pre-inpainting compute time: Inpainting compute time: Post-inpainting compute time:
↻ Recompute
Display background:
Canvas 13: svg png webp jpg
Repeated pattern (scale 0.25x)
Canvas 12:
Net pattern
Canvas 11:
Inpainting output image
Canvas 10:
Inpainting input mask
Canvas 9:
Inpainting input image
Canvas 8:
Raw pattern
Canvas 7:
Upright perimeter + Upright regions
Canvas 6:
Translated perimeter + Translated regions
Canvas 5:
Rotated regions + Initial perimeter
Canvas 4:
Rotated regions
Canvas 3:
Initial regions 0 1 2 3
Canvas 2:
Main region
Canvas 1:
Input mask
Canvas 0:
Input image